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You can do this!


Give 2 hours. You will make a difference and you will be happy. More time = more change.


Which project is yours?


Fresh Daily – Permanently assure that homeless shelter residents in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill have basic personal products, in partnership with the Myrtle Avenue Brooklyn Partnership and funded by neighborhood residents and businesses, the Fort Greene Association, Council Member Laurie Cumbo and The City of New York.


  • Good shopper: Reach out to manufacturers, distributors and retailers to get us the best deal on personal care products, underwear and diaries for women in the Tillary shelter.

  • Organized person: Work with the Tillary shelter staff to set up systems to receive and distribute products and to report on activities.

  • Create cash flow: Design a system to attract and accept regular, recurring donations to assure that no one in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill goes without basic personal products.

  • Tech technician + graphic designer: Create fundraising web and social media sites/connections.



Gimme Better Shelter — Improve the ambience in shelters and shelter residents' post-shelter housing prospects. Investigate improving the ambience of specific public spaces in shelters and creating channels to specific affordable and supportive housing.


  • Architect/Interior decorator: Design upgrades for intake room at the Tillary shelter.

  • Good shopper: Find the best deal for items specified the designers.



How'd It Happen? – Create experiences that show students in challenged middle schools in Fort Greene and Clinton Hill how buildings and cultural productions come to be through partnerships between schools and real estate developers and cultural organizations.


  • Educator or event designer or script writer: Work with a real estate developer and their architects and builders to create a sequence of live experiences showing how a major building happens. Or work with a local cultural institution or film producer to create a sequence of live experiences showing how a show or film happens.


  •  Graphic designer: Design teaching materials.


Learning as Power – Redirect the path of court-involved young men and women by designing and supporting a community-based approach for exalt’s highly effective program of educational engagement, vocational training and coaching.


  • Find internships: Enlist local businesses to take motivated and coached interns paid by exalt for 8-week sessions.



Bike Path – Enable local teens to develop technical and job-readiness skills to become professional bike mechanics.  Abandoned bikes donated by Pratt University. Bike New York will do the training.  Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project is the fiscal conduit and funding is from The City of New York thanks to Council Majority Leader Laurie Cumbo.


  • Bicycle mechanic: Teach cycle repair and encourage creative flourishes.

  • Architect/interior decorator: Design a fun and functional training facility, which will be attractive to young trainees.

  • Mentor/coach: Provide the support trainees will need to stick with the course and be job ready by the course’s end.


To apply to the Bike Path program, click this link: WWW.ONECOMMUNITYNYC.ORG/BIKE-PATH-APPLY


Build One Community's Infrastructure:


Grow the One Community System


  • Outreach/Organizer:

    • Solicit residents and institutions to participate in the Opportunity Zone Network.

    • Cultivate resource-rich institutions’ participation in One Community.


Support Participating Organizations


  • Researcher: Prepare studies of best practices by educational institutions, businesses, arts organizations, churches, etc. who are addressing inequality around the country to share with local organizations.

  • Facilitator: Help institutions organize internal brainstorming sessions to consider how to incorporate and implement One Community’s goals.                     


Tech Tasks


  • Web Designer: Develop One Community's social media presence and communication tools.

  • Tech technician:

    • Implement data management tools to manage institutional, volunteer and network contacts to stay in touch with the people served, to manage tasks and share resources on-line, to measure performance and keep all involved linked.

    • Create an interactive map which shows socio-economic and demographic information for delineation of the Opportunity Zone.

    • Implement a geocoding tool that enables participants to see if an individual lives in The Zone.

    • Create intake forms and reports that automatically populate relevant databases.

    • Create an on-line searchable calendar of opportunities/programs connected to a database of information and materials

    • Create an on-line searchable library of relevant readings and materials


Looking Good and Keeping Going


  • Graphic designer: Design One Community’s image and materials.

  • Fundraiser: Apply for seed money; lay the groundwork for larger funding requests.




Do a little dance!


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